Thursday, 23 January 2014


FRAN and I   had a pretty easy day yesterday, a walk into wentworth to book the twilight cruise up the darling river, buy the paper and generally have a look around. crosswords, scrabble, a film on telly.  before fran arrived i finished painting the bathroom so apart from one light fitting, it's done and i'm happy.  also bought a couple of great plastic woven mats for the back porch.  now if i can just get the second bathroom done i'm pretty happy with the house.  except for my mouse !   yes, i have a little pest and a trap set last night to hopefully do away with it.  

this little landscaped feature
at the junction park amuses
me - i'm standing on the
special spot to take the pic
of fran sitting in front of
the slope that's landscaped
to join up with the view
to houses across the road,
the real rooves and trees
finish the picture in mulch
that's been made on the hill

my new
floor in
the back
porch -

a nice blank wall in the bathroom - what will i hang there?

i'm thinking of painting the window frame a colour

the night before - a glass of wine on the river bank after sunset, 
very nice

sunrise yesterday morning

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