Saturday, 11 January 2014


i have a fruit thief - there's a lovely big kangaroo who's been visiting here overnight, lots of scats on the lawn and i often come across him in the front yard.  he's chewed off a couple of young acacias so i've got them all protected by guards now.
but he's found something else to eat - i caught a flash of movement as i headed out to the print studio this afternoon, he'd just cleared the fence, sprung!  nibbling little patches out of all the nectarines on the tree.
it's an old tree growing in half an old tank right down the back, it's been mercilessly chopped back and i haven't really been giving it much attention, but it's just covered in beautiful ripe white fleshed nectarines. i picked a whole bagful and left the kanga his  nibbled ones -  plenty there to keep him going for a while. 

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