Friday, 10 January 2014


TEMPERATURE'S CLIMBING it was about 38 today, ok though. a still day, blue skies and a slight breeze. it's gorgeous now. we heading for 45 next week though :0(   might be time for a double feature in deakin cinema's air-con.
Finished my illustration job today, whoo hoo.  and finished putting a coat of sealer on the bathroom, now only the colour (well,  soft stone white) to go on. i might splash a colour onto the door.
Most of the pelicans are gone now but a few are down at the lock every day sitting on the pylons.

mid afernoon i headed off for a swim at the wenty pool, a reward after finishing my job and emailing off the pics.  the pelicans that are left spend the day sitting at the lock, grooming and snoozing.

on the way there . . . here they are  

hard to believe that at 2.30 in the afternoon the pool was empty. heaven.  some kids arrived after i got out - nice to doze in the sun and listen to boys laughing and doing ombs off the diving board.

on the way back - still there, preening, preening.


  1. That pool looks inviting Anne!
    And those gorgeous pelicans!

  2. it was gorgeous - all the better with my illustration job all but out of the way :0)
    i had a lovely swim on my own then a little boy about 4 got in with his floaties on and we had a good chat, michael his name was, very proud of his dog paddle :0)


thanks for all comments - great to get feedback