Thursday, 9 January 2014


MY BEAUTIFUL LACE MONITOR  strolled out across the lawn again today  -  it's a mighty distraction when i'm trying to work on my current educational illustration job.   a welcome distraction i might add.    the markings are just spectacular, he's about 1m long with a very long tail.  a treat to have around. 

1 comment:

  1. He is beautiful Anne! One strolled through our school yard a while back and gave my Infants class and I a thrilling subject to sketch. He waddled majestically off to the riverbank to our oohs and ashs .... Very exciting. We had a resident one at one of my other schools. He would sit on a huge gumtree branch hanging out over the path to our toilet block. Every trip was a nature study! Hope the illustration is going well.


thanks for all comments - great to get feedback