Tuesday, 1 January 2013



this is what greeted me when i got home -  dry garden and the redgums are shedding their bark -  stuff everywhere.  i raked half of it yesterday and now i'm getting ready to
go out and do the rest.

the pump's not working and the taps are dry.  luckily i have another small pump with
raw water from town i can use, to try and keep some things going till brendan comes again, but it feels futile at the moment - we've got quite a few 40+ days coming up
this week.


this lovely heron flew in while i was raking the front grass

the sun's moved right round so it's not rising in the middle of the river - it was blinding
to walk through to the living room when the blinds were open in the morning - now it's
beautiful and silvery - of course with the longest day just gone it'll be coming back around again now

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