Friday, 7 December 2012


Alan and meryl leave tomorrow, it's been great having them here

BRENDAN the water guy arrived today with his trusty trench digger - he's installing a watering program that will operate at night on an automatic timer.  that'll make like a bit easier, managing the acre and a half here.

FUNNY PHOTO  -  meryl in the main street of wentworth, there are two of these seats with a  large murray cod sculpture on the back

we did a bunnings run today, bought lots of bamboo blinds for the back verandah, and visited the native plant nursery.    another good dinner at the royal hotel, a fast game of 'blind scrabble' - playing without the scrabble board - and some of stefano's delicious imported prosecco to celebrate the decorating of the christmas tree.   only three weeks to go  till the family comes up at christmas.

alan in the delightfully name 'sheep shitter's room' at the royal, the walls and ceiling are decorated with hessian and the stencilled names of sheep stations around the area.  it's a nice room to be in, and if you want to be a little more polite, it's also called 'the hessian room'

the little friarbird - on the river bank in the evening

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