Tuesday, 4 December 2012


ALAN and MERYL hopped right into it today and between the three of us we did a stack of reorganising the house and fixing things that were NQR.

so far ALAN has -
* discovered the evap cooling
* siliconed roof damage
* fixed elect box on solar system
* tightened bolts in garage walls
* cleaned leaves from gutters
* checked the sprinklers
* fixed sliding door-it glides now

Marvellous MERYL has - 

* vacuumed everything in sight
* cleaned out the sliding door
* helped me rearrange some
   heavy furniture
*  cooked a great yabby dinner
*  helped me create lots of
   new space in the kitchen


we also found time to go down to lock 10 and watch a houseboat go through, it passed the house in the morning so we followed it down.  i met my neighbour, lockmaster norm. it's the first time i've gone to see the lock in action

meryl and i got stuck into this strange one legged bench in the kitchen, now i have
a  nice new space - gotta do something about that yucky yellow glass in the door behind meryl - maybe matchstick blind attached on each side would be easier on the eye.

jobs done - so time to get stuck into the yabbies meryl bought at the crown hotel - we had lunch there,  rabbit pie and yabbie chowder but that just whet our appetites so we bought a kilo for tea. meryl did the honours and it's good to see that she chose coordinating glasses and sandals

little filly!

the sunset was beautiful - the cooler weather
is such a relief after the heat wave - the
water looks just wonderful

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