Tuesday, 15 October 2013


I'M ON MY ULTRA SOFT LUXURY MATTRESS i love this early time of day in the comfort of my downie bed, i got home last night after a good day of travelling, left gail's around 8.30 and got here at 5.30 with a few op shop stops along the way.

Yesterday - a low-key slightly hungover sunday at anne and den's.  it was the classic four seasons in one day, very still and soft rain in the morning, then wind, then sun, then more rain, more wind, still again . . . and on and on it went.

we all enjoyed watching it from the comfort of the house and had a beautiful breakfast of smoked salmon and egg, then a late bbq lunch.  anne showed me the lovely ink and watercolour sketches she's doing for our november show.  yes bevan, the invitation artwork is done and on the way :0)

 quince blossom in anne and
den's developing orchard

and left, more beautiful
colour in the garden


I spent sunday
night with gail,
scrabble and
a movie with
my little buddy
then an early
start to drive

coming through ballarat, great reflections

 alan and meryl are here so i had a great chicken curry cooked by meryl

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