Saturday, 28 September 2013


GO FREO  - well, i was backing them but congratulations hawks.  just get a new jumper !

i had a lay day, it's windy and cold today so i stayed in my apartment and cut mattes, watched telly and cried over 'courage of lassie'

13 y.o. liz taylor starred - classic saturday afternoon fare

Lassie turned up out of the blue, discovered and followed by liz. lassie got shot by two young boys, became liz's rescued beloved pet, learned how to rescue sheep in the snow, rescue liz as well.
then -  she got hit by a truck, adopted by the army, she saved a unit, cracked up then
escaped from the vet hospital and trekked over america to make it back to liz.  

HOWEVER  - lassie killed a sheep for food and ended up on trial and in danger of being put down until liz's old friend found out she'd been a war hero (ine)

so LASSIE AND LIZ ENDED UP HAPPILY EVER AFTER and i shed a tear or two  :0)

damon was here printing today  -  good to catch up.
damon editioning on the large grey press

   this is the space i work in

         lovely kate hudson, she does beautiful linocuts.   the impressive old columbian 
press in the background
from my window - off to the footy

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