Saturday, 28 September 2013


I fell in a bit of a heap today - it's the fifth anniversary of mum's death and i wasn't functioning at all.
but last night was the night i organised at the panama dining room for a big group of illustrator friends and it was FUN.  lots of drawing going on - everyone doing portraits of everyone else, on ipads and in jude's lovely old book - drawing on old text.

on the walk
up to the panama
dining room at
about 6 o'clock.

temporarily revealed,  old buildings as we've never seen them - behind the hoarding for new apartments in smith street, almost a whole bloody block of them.   such a sad thing to see these streets full of character slowly becoming more upmarket and pricing all the individual shops out to new areas.  lygon street up the top end where my old studio was - a perfect example.  cheap apartments everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for organising Anne. You are a great social organiser. Sorry you had had a rough day earlier xx


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