Thursday, 18 August 2016


THE SHOW was half up when i left tuesday night, back at 9 yesterday morning, met up with danielle from latrobe art dept who's opening the show. Also had a pre-recorded interview with the abc at 7.15am so i woke up at 4 didn't I  :0\    didn't get back to sleep 

it's coming together - the weather is amazing, it's going to be 26 today building up to a change with rain and 16 tomorrow so who knows, we may have a big weather event tonight.  
OR - a perfect warm evening with a fabulous full moon, like last night. it came up right in the middle of the lock, and i had just arrived home with sandra and patrick who came up on the train/bus from melbourne.  we spent the evening having champers on the riverbank and a man-sized dinner at the pub :0)   lovely.  into bed at 8.30 for this little black duck

Jinae - helping with hanging

looking at this now, i'll move that bio somewhere else

sandra settling in nicely after a day of sitting in the train to bendigo and bus from swan hill

1 comment:

  1. Anne, Wonderful!! I wanna see them a~~~ll! Best wishes, Sadami


thanks for all comments - great to get feedback