Friday, 12 August 2016



well, mahdi and lloyd left and i immediately made two more books and two more scarves and threw them in the boiler.  more gorgeous stuff.


my bracelets up close,
great colour and

concertina books
with leaves - left and above

paper dipped in
rust vats of tea, caustic
soda and iron sulphate

books made today,
wrapped in baling
twine and synthetic
string, ready to go
into the copper

This week's just been getting ready for airbnb guests, who came last night and left this morning, and getting things ready for my exhibition, mostly emailing invites and writing blurbs, lists of works etc.and some framing.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT robert watson had an opening at art vault, had to go to that!  dear robert.  and a nice artist from tasmania, michael schlitz.

finally i got back to artback for a coffee and a walk this morning. i haven't done it for ages so it felt really good.

had a meeting
at the gallery to finalise the work for my show, all good.  drove home surrounded by amazing skies as only sunraysia can produce

does anything enjoy the sky as much as a pelican?

anne came round this evening and we each made two books that are simmering in the copper as i write.

 now i'm watching 'crimes of passion' a great scando crime series set in the 50's - so beautifully photographed,  a bit hitchcock, a bit agatha, a bit poirot but with the nordic style and snowy landscape. love it!!  catchup SBS

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