Tuesday, 5 August 2014


YESTERDAY - morning tea with danny, liz and sasha to discuss our commitments for the week - a few talks, not much - heaps of time for our own stuff.

Liz took us for a drive
around the uni, this
old boiler building 
really took my eye,
loved the colours of
the stains on this
orange, and the
contrasting shapes
of the adjoining

more pics on the
university campus
i thought this magpie was injured, it was sitting here on the way into town, and still there coming back. i could get really close to it.  but next day it was gone.   Today it was back, spread out in the same warm spot.

This is the name of my house - imaginative :0)

TODAY - we have workspace at the uni now,  we needed to separate work from home.  Danny and I are swapping notes on our work, it's good to get another perspective. I've started on the book, feeling like it's a good beginning :0)

The calster
goes to the
beach - looks
like he loves
it.   He looks
like uncle jim
and finn in
these pics, 
our family is 
getting a good
look in.

MORNING TEA at the uni today, meeting some of the faculty. some work then lunch with liz, very nice.  I took a long walk home via the amazing brick cathedral and convent at the top of the hill, visited the library and a great 2ndhand bookshop called BOOBOOK.


what a classic
- a madonna
with a fluoro
tube for a halo

I think they call this 
one the grumpy madonna,
looks like she's had a
bad day
morning tea at the uni - we met the arts faculty

    I moved into an office at the uni,  a collection of hats is very tempting -
    dressups instead of work

    I got my storyboard underway last night, very happy to feel like i've 

on the walk
home - i visited the
beautiful old 
cathedral, there's
a lot of this dark
brick here


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