Sunday, 3 August 2014


I'M INSTALLED and the house is great, very light fresh decor, lots of space but with all the nice 1930s detail.  i went on a long walk last night and got a few things, discovered a $2 shop with a huge range of art supplies, so stocked up.
This morning i walked in again and got a card reader, so here a pics from the last few days.

 The electrician
arrived to put 
my two separate
power supplies
onto one
metre box, it'll
save me $140 
a quarter.  He
had a fine time
getting up 
inside the 
rubber tree on
his cherry

My delicious mussels
at Trentham  Winery.
Helen and her sisters
Barbara and Janet
all had beautiful 
meals - i don't think
i've every taken
anyone there who
hasn't loved it
FLYING INTO MELBOURNE  -  three flights yesterday from 6.30 to 1.15.  

IN THE PARK on the walk into town

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