Thursday, 1 June 2017


AN UNEXPECTED SURPRISE - as i was settling back in yesterday, been for a walk, just thinking about how to get into some artwork i received a call.   a friend of a friend, a man i've never met, invited me to go up for a flight over wentworth in his Jabiru.
it had been mentioned before and twice i couldn't go so i jumped at the chance and we went up in perfect clear blue skies and sunny weather.
It was lovely, we flew over my house and way down as far as lake victoria about 40 minutes away. we flew over large flocks of pelicans and fabulous landscape and i took stacks of photos.

not what i wanted to see

pilot brad pike

but my stomach got the better of me, too much looking down. and i spent the whole trip home just watching the horizon and breathing fresh air - didn't quite make and and the sick bag came out as we touched down  :0{

i drove home feeling a shaky mess and the rest of the day was a write off.  still feeling a bit delicate this morning, it's going to be a quiet day by the fire

that's my house in the lower middle of the pic 
perry sandhills from the air

lake culluleraine, i was at a musical festival here a couple of months ago

lake victoria, water from here feeds the adelaide reservoirs

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