Sunday, 4 January 2015


MY FEET are still swollen after getting a bull-ant bite on each one while cleaning up the bark.  after a day they got worse, so i got some help from the chemist.   This morning, Sunday they seem to be improving  -  i must stay away from that nest :0{

Yesterday was a stinker -  the evaporative cooler was struggling to keep the house cool, it was 32 in the kitchen. But i was painting wall so who cares?  i love painting in hot weather and i got half the hall, the kitchen wall (great 50/s green) and the dining room done. I'll do more today.
kooka in the garden - i tried to photograph him on the birdbath early in the morning but he spotted me through the window

these pretty flowers are growing all along the side of the road at merbein

the little willies were trying to stay cool under the carport, i put a bowl of water out there and they were there all day

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