Friday 18 June 2021


ETTA IS ONE!!   i can't believe it's a year since i waited on the couch - unable to do anything after receiving a text that sunny and luke were off to the hospital and would be out of touch for a while.   It was all day and well into the night and i was so rung out by the time luke texted to say etta had arrived, it took me days to get back to normal.

Of course Sunny was the one having a difficult and exhausting time, but boy - it's been a year of wonder watching Etta grow into a funny, gorgeous and obviously going-to-be-musical little girl.  what a treasure for us all to cherish :0)

Having a new baby to care for in Covid times adds stress to the normal responsibilities of parenthood -  sunny and luke have been wonderful parents

RECENT PICS FROM SAYAKA - I don't get many of her because she's obviously the main family photographer

Rene starring in a magazine
again :0)  Looking just a little
bit straight

Rene in his favourite shirt,  great print

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