Wednesday, 22 February 2017


SINCE MY INTERNET hassles (ongoing, waiting for my telstra case manager to make contact) i seem to be neglecting my poor blog. here's an update of the past week

little mara turned
one yesterday -
little darling

vicki's been getting back into her old computer and found these pics of the archibald weekend we had in sydney in 2000. what fun that was

chatting to max cullen, he also had a painting in the archie, from memory a portrait
of geoffrey rush. i was hung directly opposite the winner, adam cullen's portrait of david wenham.  we met david and got his autograph on our newspapers - i hung onto it for a long time, but who knows where it is now

with fellow victorian finalists peter wegner, who's since won the archibald, and esther erlich who won the doug moran ($100,000).
whoops, seven years bad luck? or a nice big new
mirror mosaic to put in the garden :0)  such lovely
heavyweight old mirror, too good to waste

 I found this court sketch while looking for a particular sketchbook, i remember so well all of us artists trying desperately to draw these thirteen men (so many brothers and cousins, so many eyebrows and beards)    we all congregated at the coffee shop afterwards to swap notes on who wore what, who sat where  :0)  a great group of artists

the fabulous mallee sky, on the way back from mildura for lunch at sue and derek's 
bbq'ed pork skewers  

sue, seated with friends and derek in black.

I'm getting started on my big swan prints again and as i sorted out the press, my materials, paper and photo reference these three gorgeous creatures came across the river towards my place.  an omen :0)

THIS MORNING - it's going to be a hot day after a lot of lovely summer weather, the sunrise was gorgeous

     front yard around 7.30 this morning

later i walked down to the newsagent.   we've had no pelicans since the flood, i guess they'll come back when they've finished breeding in some far flung lake, but in the meantime the swallows have taken over the pylons at the lock

on the way home, two young fluffy kingfishers both brrrrbrrrrrbrrrr-ing for food, no adults in sight

a beautiful photo i found online - inspiration for my swan prints - look at that eye

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Anne, you were with Peter Wegner and Esther Erlich!! All of you are my super heroes! Best wishes, Sadami


thanks for all comments - great to get feedback