Sunday, 30 August 2015


IT'S SUNDAY morning and i'm still in bed after a full day and a fun night out with my old editor Dyan Blacklock and illustrator Vivienne Goodman.  We scoffed plates of oysters and caught up on the past 10 years or so.

here is Janeen's account of our day yesterday
What happens when author and illustrator friends catch up for a weekend? They grab great garden pots from hard rubbish collection; peruse a buy/sell/swap clothes market; go to three garage sales; IKEA ; eat pies and pasties at Glenelg Beach; trade plant cuttings; play Scrabble; sip wine, white and Rose; check out picture books; chat beside the fire and talk about when they'll do it again. Been lovely having you stay, Anne Spudvilas! X
PS: Our last book together was 'Our village in the Sky'. But guess what? We have another book called 'Where's Jessie?' coming out in November!

great account janeen,  i didn't realise we did so much, and that was all before i went out , quite a day :0)

saturday morning - a huge sale of 
hardly worn designer fashion - fun to 
look and feel the fabrics - sadly 
all clothing around size 8, 
shoes 10 inches high :0( 

walking down rundle mall to the oyster bar, some great buildings

i wonder if shaun tan was inspired by this building when he illustrated The Lost Thing
it's the most dramatic KMart i've ever seen

a pretty filigree carpart  -  how nice to see a thoughtful design

i sat next to this guy on the tram in, he was fun - looking forward to sunday off work
never heard voices like these in my life - these girls were literally yelling at each other, not fighting - talking. reality tv for real

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