Sunday, 14 September 2014


this is the good shot :-\
SORRY BLOG - I've neglected you.  what've i been doing?  Mostly working and applying for a new passport in a panic after learning that a passport with less than 6 mths left on it is often rejected.  Mine has less than 3 so i went to the PO and got photos - they were so bad i've taken my own.  now i'm going to be stressed worrying that it will get back in time, i have four weeks till I leave for japan and it's a minimum 3 weeks for the passport.  eeeek

FRIEND Jeff from court sketching days is here with his wife Wendy so i've had coffee with them the last three mornings down at Artback. Been enjoying chef john's brekkies too :0)

steve hederics does the sunday morning thing

TODAY I'm determined to finish the work on my current book, then use the rest of my time here during the week to sort out the print studio.  It's getting there, just needs some tidying and preparation for classes next weekend.
As I'm working at the table looking out at the river there's a steady stream of birds - a gorgeous warm spring day too

this lovely butcher bird was singing outside the kitchen window, the wisteria is about to pop
redrumped grass parrot - i love these little fellas

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