Tuesday, 23 September 2014

28 deg

AS I GOT OFF THE BUS this morning the air smelled just like a holiday in Ubud :0)   not a bad start to the day.   school holidays too so the trip was quiet and much as i love the kids, it was nice to have the age to myself for a change. a leisurely trip in and a good day at work with two great new artists arriving and the hanging of the two shows happening all day.

not just the smell
of bali lingering in
the air but also
budburst happening
overhead at steph's
cafe where i have
a hot chocolate
before starting 

Andrew - doing what he does
best - he's a whizz at hanging
and getting everything straight
and square,  it's a nice feeling
to hand all that over to 
someone who knows what
he's doing 
    Julie (right)  having coffee with our new artists in residence,  ruth le cheminant and         melissa smith.      their shows were both hung today - great work, both galleries
    look terrific

    Ruth  setting up her studio, drop sheets on the walls and floor because she's a bit of a paint flinger       :0)

when i got home tonight,
a magpie walked up to the

door when i opened it.
he sang a lovely song
 then the resident willy 
wagtail set to work on him.
I think the willies are nesting
- they attacked a kookaburra yesterday. the little blurry grey
patches on the pics are a mad 
as hell willy wagtail

the vague furry grey
blobs on these photos
are all the furious
little willy going
bananas - they're
fearless little buggars 

the wisteria is looking fabulous

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