Monday, 8 May 2017


THE WEATHER IS GORGEOUS, the pelicans are returning in huge wheeling clouds and v-shaped squadrons, no wind, big blue skies

 SATURDAY - i whizzed into mildura for an hour to visit the multicultural festival.  it's always a day filled with colourful dancing on stage and great food stall all around grassy nowingi park right on the river

these are some of the girls who came out to do my eucalyptus dying workshop - afghani hazara people.   the girl on the right is going places i reckon
my own pomegranate, i'm going to trim this tree and
nurture it, there are a few pomegranates here but
all in untended spots, this one is close to the house

dogs in utes

the drive home from the movies last night 

 beautiful lake

WINNER - best palm tree
close to merbein on the way home from mildura

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