Saturday, 24 September 2016


A MAGNIFICENT WARM SUNNY DAY -  a walk for the paper, negotiating soft muddy ground across the golf course, it's saturated everywhere here.  Everything's growing like mad :0)

the river is so high, with water surging over the lock and currents really racing.

pelican and cormorant at lock 10

    lots of interesting patterns left by the rains

I stopped on the footpath on the way back from my walk, absorbed in adjusting the radio on my phone.  when i looked down these two maggies were at my feet, looking up expectantly.  then they both sang me a little song - how gorgeous

I ended the day at friend
di's, watching the warm sun go down over the river from her deck.
the ornamental grapevines are just coming into leaf on her long pergolas

exhibition opening at the visitors centre last night, broken hill artist robyn taylor.  our makers group went along to support her

locals rod and malcolm, and me with dee, a wonderful jeweller and member of the makers

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