Wednesday, 1 June 2016


THE WEATHER is beautiful, cool mornings and sunny days.  I dug up all the irises up near the road, a whole trolleyful.  so i'll have lots of beds of irises near the house and plenty to give away.
Finished the hearth, all grouted and trimmed and cleaned up :0)  did yoga in the morning which means a sunrise drive into mildura.
Photographed a pile of artwork and continued to plan my 'Child's World in Pictures' exhibition - 25 years of illustration. I'm getting together contact details of regional galleries.  it starts in Mildura this year, but it would be nice to have it in a couple of other galleries next year or the one after.

THIS MORNING - beautiful early morning light and a mass of cormorants which landed on the riverbank. they're travelling in groups of 100's at the moment.  i didn't manage to sneak up on them though, flighty little devils.

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