Monday, 16 February 2015


OFF TO BUNNINGS EARLY to get a couple of things for the new bathroom, then to Helen Healy's for lunch, met two new people,  kate and marg.   We all headed off to see Julian Burnside in conversation with Stefano at the Brewery, he's an interesting passionate man, gave the Art Vault a great rap, and spoke beautifully about his wife kate durham.

then called in to see edie at her 3rd birthday, she was over it - almost comatose after a full on day- i gave her the dress i'd made her (didn't make a big impression :0)

amazing how the quiet mention of a present can
revive even the most bombed-out birthday girl ;0)

 left to come home, pick up marg whyte and head off to the murray/darling island parking area at the invitation of indigenous artist clair bates who, with a group of women from the murray up as far as albury, is taking part in a large art piece for the biennial Palimpsest festival in Mildura.  they had demos of making straw animals, singing, dancing and food.  we'd only planned to call in and say hi, but ended up staying till after dark.  a good day.

        the boys - funny, it was their first traditional dance, they were very serious :0)   then into
the river for a swim.  that's the historic Ruby going by, on the Valentines day cruise

SUNDAY  BLOODY HOT  and not nice,  the cooling system battled to keep the house comfortable and i just painted,  the ceiling of the new bathroom - palmolive green.  very happy with the colour and i felt i'd used the day as well as i could. I'm also working on putting the mirror pieces together to hang in there.  making progress

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