Monday, 14 December 2020


WEATHER IS GETTING HOTTER - it's time to try and do things outside early in the day and then hunker down with the aircon.   Also time to make sure the birdbaths are topped up and everything is watered.

the new birdbath is a winner, this cute young
kooka was having a lovely time until the
feisty resident willie wagtail chased him off

Although it's been hot the air is still and the days are lovely, mornings have been really beautiful

i'm sorting pics for Romeo
and Juliet and have been
watching a Zeffirelli film 'Brother Sun Sister Moon' from the same 70's era he made Romeo and Juliet.
i think i've found 
my Romeo

Sewing for Etta - 
she needs some 
light summery
rompers, here's
version no 1


          ZOOMING IN on two kingfishers, i focussed on
       the lower one and as i took a second shot they
       both took off - and i captured them, pure fluke

   I've just had a lovely long talk to rene, they had a four day visit to      Osaka to catch up with all their old Giracha mates and other

Mara with her little cousin Ao,  Yuna's little boy

    Etta with a friend, wearing the jumper i knitted, perhaps not the      best shot of it, but Etta's pretty cute  :0)

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