Saturday, 3 August 2019


SIGH, been watching movies since 3am so i'll update the blog. i've been walking, painting every day :0)  and pilates has started up again, very happy to be back in that class. and now it's in the morning i can walk there and back, about 1/2 hr each way so great warm up time.

down at the lock

take off for this little wren - just caught him
 i woke up to a beautiful foggy morning this week

one of my
visitors -
the yellow

Feels like spring, the birds are all getting frisky and i spotted the 
first blossoms for the year on my last trip to mildura

on the way to pilates, a really nice walk

pilates teacher's mum
marg and hilarious
baby layla. 
an encounter on the road, this large fox crossed the road
in front of me then came back out to cross back, saw me
(lining up the camera) and took off.  i saw him twice more
as he tried to cross back again, close to my house

the fairy wren has his blue breeding feathers back, spring is getting closer

i'm up to ten
self portraits now,
fascinating how they're
all so different, i never
know how they'll
turn out

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