Friday, 19 July 2019


I'M SO HAPPY TO BE HERE - feeling good with a new charge of energy to be in the studio.  i did my first 2 hr self portrait yesterday and 3/4 of one today, light faded so i'll have to finish tomorrow.
the usual distractions of blue wrens visiting and all the usual pulls of being home are here, but the 2 hr limit makes the daily painting gig

visitor to
on the 
i left

lovely light at williamstown on the morning i left for home. i visited leigh hobbs in his lovely home, he has a real flare for elegant comfortable furnishing, fabulous fabrics in these cushions

on to brunswick to see erica and craig and discuss my book ideas. as usual, erica has given me some direction and great advice, and a lovely lunch as well  :0)   

i've decided to break my trip home by
staying in a different country pub each
time.  this was the East Charlton pub where
i had a sparkly and a great steak by the
fire, but i stayed at the Cricket Club across
the road, better room.

driving home and
enjoying the scenery
until i came across
another silo being
defaced, this makes
me angry in the same
way that the graffiti
on the lovely old
smith street facades
affects me.  and now
they've started to buggar
up the calder hwy  

home in comfortable time after leaving charlton early.

i've put the
wedding dress
aileen gave
me in the
studio. i wonder
if it will lead
to something

i was delighted to arrive 
home to a full moon, 
very dramatic over the 
lock last night. 

more work on self portraits, the early stages can be hilarious, i think i look like queen liz here  :0)

i have another half hour
up my sleeve today, the 
light faded yesterday

this morning was one of those times when the moonset and sunrise are almost simultaneous.

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