Thursday, 23 May 2019


WELL IT'S BEEN A WEEK of laying low and eating chicken soup loaded with garlic and ginger.  i'm feeling almost human now and there's an airbnb guest in the bedroom next to me.  i think we may go for a walk on the island this morning, she's a writer.
i'm pretty much housebound writing applications for grants. god, i'd love it if i could get one.  Gathering more reference for romeo and juliet and will get some drawings and hopefully a rough storyboard together to include in my submission.

i've discovered the
best way to get 
images from tv
is to use my 
phone and the
laptop - stan &
netflix have a great
range of historical
it's lovely to see new pics of little goldie, mark & lani's daughter. she's completely changed since i last saw here, what a little sweetie and she's gone blonde!  hope to see her in the flesh when i'm in melbourne in july

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