Monday, 22 October 2018


I'M EXCITED now - my flight to bali is tomorrow and i know helen is in good spirits and being cared for in a bright space with a view of the grampians.  Looking forward to the writer's festival and pooltime with the girls :0)
it's been a week of driving and visiting, first helen and family, then vicki in melbourne, down to torquay for birthday dinner with all the crew except jenny and freddie who are in byron bay.
hardly any photos, i've been too busy and tired.

pics from home before
i left, i had two lovely red kangaroos in the garden

driving through
the orange
groves with the
window down
- divine

the irises are gorgeous this year

i visited marg before i left
and she's on a roll, knitting
these crazy cute tea cosies.
major mitchell and sulphur
crested cockatoos, galahs
and one black cockatoo :0)

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