Tuesday, 11 October 2022


 Slowly I'm seeing more birds coming into the garden, turtledoves, grass parrots, lorikeets, crested pigeons and rosellas to add to the squawky wattlebirds and plovers and mudlarks.  and two sulphur crested cockatoos yesterday :0).  There is a pair of mudlarks nesting in the tree outside the back door, close enough to zoom in on progress each day.  today must be about day 13, they're just about ready to fledge. it's amazing - you can almost see them grow before your eyes.

day one

                      day three   pin feathers appearing

day five - suddenly they're black and white

day 8    big enough to reach over the top

  DAY 10 - the chicks are almost as big as the parents, cleaning their         wings and preening

Rainbow lorikeets have been showing an interest in the bird boxes that were in the trees when i moved in. i'll be interested to see if any birds actually nest in them

    this one hangs right in front of my bedroom window

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