THE WORKSHOPS wrapped up very happily with people swapping contacts, books that have taken shape ready to go on to the next step and a lively show and tell in the centenary hall.
I loved it, will enjoy returning next year.
annette's book of a friend's story about a fruit bat came along in leaps and bounds
show and tell - at the end of the 2day and 4day workshops we had to head down to the hall and be ready on the dot to race in, set up and look around for about 1/2 an hour. lots of interesting stuff happening |
kaye and i had coffee and wine afterwards in this great little cafe/bar, in a pretty weatherboard house behind the visitor centre, great
atmosphere and lovely light, nice wine and great company.
Headed off to helen's for the night, another beautiful roast cooked by donald mcDuck and an early night for all. helen and don's garden is looking gorgeous, Hall Gap and the grampians are lush after much rain and there was wildlife everywhere.