Tuesday 24 September 2024


THINGS ARE BURSTING FORTH in the garden - but not my Virginia creeper or Manchurian pear. the pear was bought as a barerooted stalk, buds all the way up but no action.  I'm patiently waiting.  


PICS from a visit to Don's a few weeks back

the beautiful little pardalotes nest in his wall

I entered Sonja in the Portia Geach

HAD A LOVELY WEEKEND with sunny, luke and etta coming for an overnight stay.  here's etta playing hospitals with sunny, acting out the various complaints of her furry friends :0)

weekend at bernie's  :0)    pic by nonna bernie

     favorite trees - i pass them every morning on the way to swimming

I love seeing this heron around Lilkenday Ave but i don't want
him to discover my fishpond!

Just back from a mini break - two nights at the Royal Hotel in Sea Lake, a visit to lake tyrrell at sunset which was lovely and time with gael, one of the salty bitches who wanted company on this trip as she took her whippet Mattie on his first car trip.   He was perfectly behaved.   Home now and looking forward to time at home catching up on my book and photos for the exhibition.  Some gardening too. 

Dropping off photos today for the Queenscliff neighbourhood house illustrator exhibition.  Craig Smith and i are doing a talk on sunday as part of the Qcliff writers festival, well not officially but the exhibition is timed to coincide.  it runs thru to the end of October

I'm exhibiting pics and the dummy books from my photo memoir in progress. 

Saturday 31 August 2024


THE WEATHER'S WARMING UP and it feels like spring is just around the corner, well tomorrow in fact!   the first budburst is appearing on my vines and i'm waiting with bated breath to see if my virginia creeper is still alive. no sign of life yet so fingers crossed.

A COUPLE OF EVENTS at swimming - Paula's 500th swim, an exciting morning, lots of fun  and a big attendance of both people and pooches.

                                   a beautiful full moon

the eastern rosellas have shown some intermittent interest in the birdboxes, but no sign of any commitment or activity aside from the occasional poke around.  i'd be so excited if they decided to next in one of them, specially the one on the front porch that they inhabited last year, sadly with no eggs hatching.  when i poked my phone over the top to photograph inside the base had just a hard wooden floor and the eggs had rolled to the edge making them impossible to sit on.  now i've put some dry plant matter on the floor, so hopefully that'll make a difference

     DAFFODIL DAY DIP - for the Cancer Council - a fun morning


Friday 16 August 2024


We had a visitor last week - Annie and her brother Steve came 
down two mornings in a row for photoshoots.

I put this innocuous photo of my swimbooted feet on sand on Facebook and it was for some reason considered possibly offensive and violent so they blocked it with a warning to FB friends about opening it with caution!!

these great swimcoats have sold like hot cakes down at the yacht club, they're so vibrant and warm, everyone loves them, i just can't afford one :0(

AUGUST IS ALWAYS BOOK WEEK - grovedale p.s. invited me to do gigs out there and i haven't done any since covid except for once last year.  It was nice to be back in the classroom with lots of great kids


I'VE MARKED OUT THE FRONTYARD with fluoro spray so that Mario can dig around the pathways and garden beds with his digger.  he came today so there's a frontyard of work for me over the next weeks.    then the back yard, i might wait a little while for that.