I'VE BEEN NEGLECTING my poor blog but i have been sick so that's my excuse. the weekend was superb so i got out and trimmed all my plants, very satisfying. the garden is starting to take shape.
then on monday helen and don came up for a couple of days, one in mildura when i went in and met helen for dinner, and last night they came here for a barbie on the river bank and scrabble of course. I did get a nice pic of them on the riverbank but my camera decided that it was a non-pic, it simply didn't come up on the computer as even existing :0(
here in the
then on monday helen and don came up for a couple of days, one in mildura when i went in and met helen for dinner, and last night they came here for a barbie on the river bank and scrabble of course. I did get a nice pic of them on the riverbank but my camera decided that it was a non-pic, it simply didn't come up on the computer as even existing :0(
Yesterday and the
day before i spent painting the spare
room, i worked
from 12 to 8 pm yesterday, bedroom, toilet and little ante
room all done, one
more coat this
morning then gloss
on the doors and
window. it's going
to look so fresh
and feels much
very happy, this
room has such a good
view of the river and
a large verandah
attached, i want
to use it as a rental.
day before i spent painting the spare
room, i worked
from 12 to 8 pm yesterday, bedroom, toilet and little ante
room all done, one
more coat this
morning then gloss
on the doors and
window. it's going
to look so fresh
and feels much
very happy, this
room has such a good
view of the river and
a large verandah
attached, i want
to use it as a rental.
mad max
version Fury Road on
saturday. WOW it's
just an eye-popping
heart stopping ride
from start to finish,
visually amazing, so
much to look at,
crazy cars (designers
must have had a
ball) stunning desert
landscape and action
plus, it was exhausting
and fun
and fun
here in the
district is
just gorgeous
- lots of red,
but the vines
are the
richest gold
colour and
the weather
is perfect
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