Monday, 5 November 2012


WHEN i set off to the jazz yesterday i was halfway in when visiting artists sophie called to say she was almost at my place.  so i did a U-ey (?)  and headed back. she brought her daughter and me old mate tiggy, and they had fun puddling around in mud on the river bank while soph and i had a champers.
then into Seasons at the grand hotel for dinner with julie, kev and her canberra friends,  maxine is the next visiting artist.

steph and sophie with isadora waving thru the window

  the whole of 
langtree avenue 
was closed off for the jazz 
festival with tables and 
chairs set up all the way
down.  very festive

maxine, rod, kev and julie, maxine's beaded jacket is gorgeous

a little telly after the drive home in the dark

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