Tuesday, 23 October 2012


OCTOBER 23   tuesday

it's that strange time after a great holiday - coming down.   looking around and seeing what has to be done.  mostly watering,  but at what cost?    i won't know till i get a bill, i'm not sure how much power the pump is using getting the river water onto the garden.
i'm sorting out the house, it's pretty good but things need to be put in their permanent places,  and at lunchtime suddenly i had no water in the taps - a call to the council and their water guy came out to let me know they're flushing the mains,  but unlike melbourne, he stayed, chatted and wandered around the front with me, helping me to find outlets of the watering system that had become buried under dirt and leaves.  little by little i'm discovering the full setup.

a good thing -  i thought the egret had gone but he reappeared tonight, a beautiful night on the river as the sun moves around and is setting closer and closer to the water,
by christmas i'll have sunrise and sunset directly over the water.  

a beautiful time of night, still, serene

how gorgeous is this,  from the front of the house

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