Saturday, 20 October 2012

OCTOBER 20 it's me birfdy

i've had such a productive time here at point lonsdale, it's been lovely printing on the press here looking out onto janet's garden

the most delicious perfume in the world has to be citrus blossom

working on my print for the Australian Print Workshop's biennial Impressions
show in november.
looking out onto
the garden

my first work inspired by living on the river - the beautiful egret who spends every day vigilant on the fallen trees in the river at the front of my house.     he works a 7a.m-5p.m  day then flies over to the opposite bank and walks into the darkness of the trees

'the watcher'   
aquatint etching

more garden - it's
just gorgeous

last night the possums arrived in the tree outside the window, try as i did i couldn't catch
their glowing green eyes on camera.    of course the roof proved to be too tempting so it wasn't long before they were thumping around up there.

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thanks for all comments - great to get feedback