Tuesday, 15 April 2014


I WORKED MY LITTLE BUTT OFF I got out my fantastic Bosch power saw, small and girlie size :0)   and sawed off all the old dead roses out the front,  including the two huge old climbing ones that were twisted through wire on the pergola structure. there are huge piles of weeds and trimmings all over the place, hopefully they'll all be gone this afternoon after the wonderfully named Steele Scaddings comes with his trailer.
Tidied up the whole house and then went to yoga, i'm so stiff after three days of gardening and printing, lots of bending. then home to cook roast lamb for anne and steve. a big thank you for the help steve gave me last week when the ceiling caved in :0)
TODAY is horrendous day -  going to the accountant about my tax and i can't even open up MYOB reports, then to a financial adviser.   i feel anxious and stupid whenever i approach anything to do with figures and my income.  yuk.

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